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Monday, June 7, 2021

Status of Women in Islam


We find in the glorious Qur'an that Allah created femininity as the opposite of masculinity. 

 "0 mankind! We have created you from a male and a female.'' Al-Hujuraft 49:13.

Femininity has signs that clearly distinguish it from masculinity. These signs are either corporal such as menstruation, or psychological, such a woman's natural disposition.

      What is a woman's right in the light of the Shari'ah (law) of Islam? As human beings, women have the right to be educated, nurtured and cared for during childhood. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him) said, "Whoever has a daughter who he perfectly refined and educated, and was generous to her with that which Allah generously endowed him with; she will be a shield for him against the Fire.'' He also said, If a person assumed the guardianship of these girls and he was kind to them, they will serve as a shield for him against the Fire.'' In another Hadith, he said, "And a man who has a slave-girl who he perfectly refined and educated, and then set her free and married her shall have two rewards.''

When a young woman attains the age of maturity, she has the right to spend her wealth as she chooses and is entitled to express her views freely, as well as the right to abstain from being married off without her consent. In addition to increased rights, she is required to cover herself while also disassociating herself from males who are not her close relatives. The Muslim woman, as a female, is required to maintain her femininity. 

  She should adorn herself only with female adornments, that is to say, she is forbidden from imitating men. She is also required to neither mix nor be alone with men who are not her close relatives. This has been aided for her, such as the ruling which requires her to pray at the rear of the men's rows while participating in congregational prayer. The Muslim woman is required to fulfill all of the obligations of the shari'ah which Allah has ordained, with certain rulings differing to that of men in some forms of worship. For example, Menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth are from among the special characteristics of woman whereby specific legal fiqhi) rulings exist as a means of easing the burden of religious duties. Similarly, it is due to the relative physiological and psychological weaknesses of women that prevents them from assuming responsibilities that may be considered physically and psychologically) demanding, such as political leadership and major roles in the judiciary. 

She is also, generally speaking, exempted from participating in Jihad, and her testimony is regarded as half that of a man. However, since she is more compassionate and caring, her right to take care of nursling is given priority over that of a man's. The fundamental principle is that a woman should take care of her home, her husband and her children. That is why her maintenance is the responsibility of her husband, even if she is rich. 

Allah says, "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means.'' An-Nisa 4:34. 

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