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Sunday, June 6, 2021

Furthermore, When Any News Comes To You

Unquestionably, we live in troublesome occasions, brimming with hardships. Also, one of the manners in which that we are attempted by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala is by trying us with bits of gossip and how we respond to them. We are besieged with a wide range of data consistently, be it straightforwardly from an individual, on TV, or by means of email. Furthermore, some great hearted individuals may simply acknowledge them, expecting this piece of information as undeniable realities coming from reliable sources. Nonetheless, as a Muslim, what is our job towards such truisms and cases? 

What does the Sharee'ah say about such data?

Allaah says: 

"Observe, you got it on your tongues, and said out of your mouths things which you had no information on; and you believed it to be a light matter, while it was generally genuine in seeing Allaah" (Surah Nur: 15) 

So before we acknowledge what anybody and everybody says, there are specific focuses to remember, as we as a whole need to remain before Allaah one day.

1) VERIFY the news 

We need to check the data and discover, as well as could be expected, the honesty and legitimacy of the news that contacts us. WHY? … 

Since Allaah orders you and me to be JUST 

"Verily! Allâh orders that you should deliver back the trusts to those, to whom they are expected; and that when you judge between men, you judge with equity. Verily, how superb is the training which He gives you! Genuinely, Allâh is Ever All­Hearer, All­Seer." (Surah Nisaa':58)

2) Deliberate on the data 

Consider what is being said, who is saying it and about whom is he saying it, prior to trusting it. 

"O you who accept! On the off chance that a Faasiq (fiendish individual) comes to you with any news, check it, in case you should hurt individuals in obliviousness, and a short time later you become remorseful for what you have done" [al-Hujuraat 49:6] 

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 

"Pondering is from Allaah and scramble is from the Shaytaan." (al-Silsilah al-Saheehah)

3) Examine the conditions 

In some cases something may show up or sound valid on a superficial level however, you may not have the foggiest idea about the full conditions behind the explanation or the report might be taken inappropriately. 

Al-Hasan al-Basri said: "The devotee saves judgment until the matter is demonstrated." 

4) Look for PROOF 

Any individual who asserts an assertion or levels an allegation against someone else should give evidence: 

"Say (O Muhammad), Produce your confirmation in the event that you are honest" [al-Baqarah:111] 

Furthermore, in the event that they neglect to deliver any strong verification for what they guarantee… … 

"Since they produce not observers, they are the liars in seeing Allaah" [al-Noor 24:13] 

5)Ask individuals in control 

Individuals in control can clarify current realities of the matter and eliminate any disarray or questions an individual may have, 

"When there comes to them some matter contacting (public) wellbeing or dread, they spread the word about it (among individuals); if just they had alluded it to the Messenger or to those accused of power among them, the legitimate examiners would have perceived it from them (straightforwardly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allaah upon you, you would have followed Shaytaan (Satan), save a couple of you" [al-Nisaa' :83] 

6) Stand up for the Truth 

Quest for and go to bat for the Truth, and don't acknowledge any bogus assertions from anybody, regardless of whether it is from somebody you love or hold near your heart. 

"O you who accept! Stand apart solidly for equity, as observers to Allâh, despite the fact that it be against yourselves, or your folks, or your family, be he rich or poor, Allâh is a Better Protector to both (than you). So follow not the desires (of your souls), in case you may keep away from equity, and on the off chance that you misshape your observer or decline to give it, verily, Allâh is Ever Well­Acquainted with what you do."(Surah Nisaa':135) 

7) Beware that it very well might be a LIE 

The Sharee'ah issues a harsh admonition against passing on all that one hears. 

The Messenger of Allaah (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 

"It is sufficient lying for a man to discuss all that he hears." (Muslim) 

Al-Nawawi said: "Normally an individual hears truth and untruths, so in the event that he discusses all that he hears, he is lying by recounting things that didn't occur, and lying by talking about some different option from the manner in which it occurred… ." 

(8) Beware that it could be SLANDER 

Numerous individuals simply accept any news they hear and pass it on without halting to feel that it may not be valid. All things considered it is a defamation against the individual that the news is about. Also, criticize is a significant sin. 

"Burden to each backbiter, slanderer." (Surah Humazah: 1) 

What's more, the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 

'No man blames another for an improper deed or kufr, however it will return on him, if the individual he denounces isn't as he says he is.'" (Bukhari). 

"No (Muslim) man will abandon a man who is a Muslim in where his regard might be abused and his honor maligned without Allah abandoning him in where he wishes help." (Abu Dawood - validated by Sheik al-Albani) 

9) Be cautious about what you say 

"Not a word is said aside from that there is a watcher by him prepared to record it." – [Surah Qaf :18] 

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said, 

" Indeed a worker may say a word from which Allah's dismay is acquired and he doesn't understand it. Allah will place him in Jahannam because of it." (Bukhaari) 

"O you who accept! Fear Allaah, and be with the individuals who are valid (in words and deeds)" [al-Tawbah 9:119] 

Furthermore, for what reason did you not, when you heard it, say? 

"It isn't right of us to talk about this: Glory to Allaah, this is a most genuine defamation" (Surah Nur:16) 

May Allaah control us and empower us to support the Truth, any place it could be. Ameen.

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